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Concrete Countertops and Concrete Sinks Frequently Asked


Marble Surface

Will concrete countertops stain?

Bare concrete is very porous and will stain.  However, the sealant Camellia Concrete uses is top of the line and is exceptionally durable and provides resistance to red wine, crayons, lemon juice etc.  Our busy family with three young kids has put this product to the test and can personally attest as to how easy concrete surfaces are to clean.  In regards to heat resistance, as with most types of countertop surfaces, it is best to use trivets.

Marble Surface

What colors are available?

Any color!  Camellia Concrete specializes in custom color development.  We can customize existing colors , color match, embed stone, glass or other colors. Concrete countertops can be solid color, made to resemble granite, and as always, each concrete countertop and concrete sink is unique to each individual project.

Marble Surface

How are concrete countertops made ?

There are two methods, wet cast and glass fiber reinforced.  Wet cast uses a  precise formulated mix of sand, and aggregate that is then poured into custom forms made specifically for each project, and perfected through our training with The Concrete Countertop Institute.  GFRC uses glass fibers and is more flexible than wet cast concrete.  Our concrete countertops can also be cast-on-site or precast and transported. 

Marble Surface

How much do concrete countertops cost ?

You are getting a completely custom, labor intensive, pure handcrafted product that will last a lifetime, for  a competitive price with high end granite, ranging from $80 to over $100 per square foot.  

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